"Igniting, Equipping, and Launching a Movement."

YWAM missionaries raise support from friends, family, and churches in order to serve with the mission.
No goods or services were provided to you in return for your contributions and/or consisted entirely of intangible religious benefits. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that YWAM Orlando/Four Winds Ecclesia is a qualified tax-exempt organization under section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code and has complete discretion and control over the use of all funds.

Kristen, Joshua, and Justin Berg
Michael's Bio
I was born and raised in Southwestern Michigan. I graduated from Coloma High School and later attended Michigan State University, Lake Michigan Community College, and the University of the Nations.
Matthew 28:18-20; Isaiah 63:1-3; and II Timothy 2:2 describe what I believe God has called me to do – make disciples of all nations by the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. I sincerely believe God has called everyone in the body of Christ to the task of world evangelization. For my part, God has specifically directed my wife, Darla and I to work in Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in the areas of training; equipping and mobilizing missionaries and leaders to the most needy nations and cities of the world.
We have worked in Youth With A Mission since 1979, with the exception of two years. Darla and I were a part of the pioneering team for YWAM Miami. While in Miami I served as the Training Director for nearly 10 years. In my Leadership Training School God clarified the vision that became YWAM Orlando. Our family arrived in Orlando in 1995 joining with Walden and Beverly Owen to co-pioneer the training campus and ministry in Orlando. I currently serve as the Base Director for YWAM Orlando and as a lead convener for Eastern North America. I have a deep desire to see leaders trained and released into missions.

Darla's Bio
I grew up in Lancaster County, PA, and graduated from Lancaster Mennonite High (never mind what year). During high school, I worked at a deli in a farmer´s market and then after HS at a Christian bookstore. Before going to YWAM in 1979, my friend Janice and I worked at a summer camp (I was a camp counselor and lifeguard), and then we drove to Elm Springs, AR to do our DTS. It was an old chicken farm; the girls’ dorms were old trailers and the guys lived in the barn. Those first few weeks I didn´t think I´d ever do a secondary school with YWAM, but now, many years later, I´m still in YWAM. God does have a sense of humor!
Michael and I met in our DTS, did the SOE together and then were on a small music and drama team. After that we both went to our hometowns to raise money – Michael got several jobs in MI and I worked in PA at a sewing factory for a short time (not my favorite place of employment).
We got married in PA in 1981, moved to MI to raise money for a Bible school (both worked at a grocery store – he was a manager and I worked in the deli), came back into YWAM when Michael attended the SOTB in Tyler, TX and have been in YWAM ever since.
We lived in Miami, FL for almost 10 years where Michael was the training director, and 6 years after we were married we started a family. All 3 kids (Justin, Kristen, & Joshua) were born in Miami. Kristen and Joshua are now serving on staff with us here at YWAM Orlando.
We’ve been in Orlando since 1995 – Wow! Where did the years go? We love what we do and want to impact the world by our obedience.