Get activated to reach the nations with the love of Jesus.

Get Trained.  Encounter Jesus.  Go to the Nations.

You’re part of God’s plan for reaching the world with the love of Jesus. Discipleship Training School helps you get to the nations and gives you practical missionary training along the way.


DTS is a gritty and wild training experience where you’ll encounter the culture of a believer, experience the presence of Jesus, and develop skills that help you share the Gospel and lead your generation. DTS won’t be easy – but it’ll be worth it.


YWAM Orlando is a Christian missionary movement marked by the belief that Jesus died for us, so he’s worth following and joyfully giving our lives to. Joining the movement looks like traveling the world and sharing the love of Jesus with everyone you meet.


DTS Details

3,995 USD + Outreach Fees

Fall: Sept 29th - March 7th   |   Winter: Jan 6th - May 20th  |   Spring: March 30th - Aug 22nd

Discipleship Training School Has Two Parts

DTS starts with a 12-week training intensive on the YWAM Orlando campus. The focus will be on activation and personal transformation. You won’t just be memorizing facts from textbooks – you’ll learn by doing. You’ll get real experience planning and leading ministries and developing your skills in breakout sessions called Tracks.


When your training intensive is over, you’ll go on an outreach in the nations. You’ll share the Gospel, equip the local church, and meet practical needs.

Here’s what you can expect

1) Campus Phase: 12 Weeks

  • Join a movement that supports you and challenges you to follow Jesus.
  • Practical training that’s modular – you’ll focus on one topic per week.
  • Develop skills in things you’re passionate about (like Media, Revival, and Music).
  • Get discipleship and mentorship.
  • Learn the foundations of a believer.
  • Discover your mission field.

2) Outreach Phase: 6-8 Weeks

  • Travel to challenging and beautiful outreach locations.
  • Lead ministry and service projects.
  • Train, support, and equip the local church.
  • Share the Gospel in the nations.

Develop Your Skills with Tracks

During DTS Campus Phase you’ll have access to Tracks. They’re weekly breakout sessions that push you to grow in your talents and develop new skills that you’ll use in the nations. You’ll learn how to use these skills to rally your generation, execute a vision, and reach people with the Gospel.

Track Focuses

Here's the Plan


Choose and Apply to your DTS session and Track.


Get Trained

Stay on the YO Campus near Orlando for 12 weeks of missions training.


Reach The Nations

Spend 6-8 weeks on outreach in the nations.


Raise Money For DTS

Most people don’t pay for YWAM DTS by themselves. They raise money through financial partners, friends, family, and their church.


Fill out the form below and we’ll send you an ebook that shows you how to raise money for your mission trip.

After DTS

When you’ve completed DTS you’ll gain access to other training opportunities. While DTS was focused more on the foundations of a believer, Secondary Schools are advanced training that helps you prepare for your specific mission field and sphere of influence.