A beautiful story from Josh, a student, while his outreach team was in Los Angeles.

One day in L.A., we walked by an old man sitting by himself at the edge of a lake, enjoying the beautiful view of the park and the birds flying around. We started talking to him about his family and his story. He said he was waiting by the water to find peace so I sat down beside him and agreed that the beauty of nature made me feel happy and refreshed. Then I started talking to him about times in my life when nothing in the world could fix the brokenness and hopelessness I was experiencing. I shared about how much hope Christ gave me, and how much He loved me as a Father. He longs to have a relationship with me. The old man broke down and, through his tears, he murmured that he was ready to know this person. We led him in a prayer to give his life to God and prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill him up. He said he could feel something happening inside. After arranging a time the following week to meet up and talk with him again, we invited him to a Christian concert that would be playing in the park. God can use our stories to bring hope and life and did just that for Hugo!
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Written By:
Josh | YWAM Orlando Alumni