"Living to love, glorify, and reflect Jesus, working to fulfill His dream of seeing the Great Commission completed."

Partner With Me

YWAM missionaries raise support from friends, family, and churches in order to serve with the mission.

No goods or services were provided to you in return for your contributions and/or consisted entirely of intangible religious benefits. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that YWAM Orlando/Four Winds Ecclesia is a qualified tax-exempt organization under section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code and has complete discretion and control over the use of all funds.

I first felt called to be a missionary when I was 13 years old. At 20, God led me to do a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission Orlando. Following my DTS, I did a Basic Leadership School and joined YWAM Orlando’s staff team. Over the years, I held many leadership roles including being a part of the core
leadership team at YWAM Orlando. I have a real gifting for pioneering, creating systems, and streamlining operations. I have a passion for Jesus, making Him known, and mobilizing others to the cause of the Great Commission.


In 2015, after serving with YWAM Orlando for 20 years, God started speaking to me about working with YWAM’s Ship ministries and helping to pioneer YWAM Ships in the Caribbean. In 2016, I left YWAM Orlando to begin working with YWAM Ships. Since then, I have worked with several different YWAM Ships and an Operation Mobilization ship in an effort to learn all that I can about how to do ship ministry. I am now taking all that I have learned and joined staff with YWAM Ship’s Corpus Christi to help them pioneer their ship ministry in the Caribbean. I am excited to see God use my gifting and knowledge to make an eternal difference with the people living throughout the Caribbean.


Please consider partnering with me by joining my support team (just click the give button above) and know that you will have a part in all God is doing through me.